5th Quinquennial Interstellar Interdisciplinary Conference: A Mothership RPG in 您所在的位置:网站首页 16 page zine 5th Quinquennial Interstellar Interdisciplinary Conference: A Mothership RPG in

5th Quinquennial Interstellar Interdisciplinary Conference: A Mothership RPG in

#5th Quinquennial Interstellar Interdisciplinary Conference: A Mothership RPG in| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The 5th Quinquennial Intersteller Interdisciplinary Conference (QuIIC) zine is a collaborative submission for the Mothership RPG Lo-Fi Jam, an in-universe 16pg A5 zine collecting original writing from twelve members of the Mothership community. 

QuIIC is an in-game prop for MothershipRPG. This zine details the presentation schedule and events for a week-long scientific conference. Use these abstracts as adventure seeds, inspiration to build custom equipment or weapons, mine for scientist NPCs and their institutions, or use the conference for your players' PCs to develop their skills (or gatecrash!) on Shore Leave.

Writing Team:

Jarvis "Boe_Taito" Ambler Dr. Violet Ballard "CD" on the Mothership Discord Terry Herc Scott "Molgannard" Garriot Jet McFin "MrKaibot" on the Mothership Discord Lara "Nirest" May Marco Serrano, Spicy Tuna RPG Claudio Tanci "tentative" on the Mothership Discord And Chris Airiau

Graphic Art Contributors:

Ryan "RACComputing" Creedon Joshua Justice "tim4242" from the Mothership Discord Chris Airiau

At nearly 5000 words of prose, we're sure plenty in this zine will fit your table. (And no, we're not at all bitter about academia, why do you ask?)


Mothership RPG are trademarks of Tuesday Knight Games. For additional information, visit www.tuesdayknightgames.com or contact [email protected].

Human Made, no AI involved in this creation.






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